What is the difference between Closed Events, Open Events and Drop In?
Open Event: Race for groups of less than 12 people. Book a time when you can be put together with others who have also booked an Open Event.
Closed Event: Run for groups of over 12 people. Book a time where you have the course to yourself for 30 minutes.
Drop In: Run without prior booking. You can always stop by Racehall and buy the number of minutes you want. Then you will come out on the pitch when there are available seats.
What to wear?
In winter, we recommend warm clothes, warm shoes and gloves. If you have forgotten something, you can always borrow a driving suit and gloves. In the summer, we recommend bringing an extra T-shirt, as it can get hot and you can easily sweat.
Can you train gokarting on a weekly basis at Racehall?
Yes, we regularly organize fixed events where you can sign up for races over a longer period. See more under “Training” in the menu.
Can you drive your own go-kart at Racehall?
Unfortunately not. We only allow the use of Racehall’s own go-karts.
Is briefing necessary even if you have driven before?
Yes, for 1/2 hour races or longer, briefing is always required. Even if you have driven before, there are ongoing changes to our procedure and it is important that all drivers receive the same important information.
How far in advance can you book?
The booking time depends on the number of participants and whether a closed course is desired. For long-term bookings, we recommend a closed event, as there is no booking restriction. The minimum requirement is the rental/payment of 12 go-karts. Feel free to contact us for help.
Why do I need to confirm my booking?
The confirmation of the booking ensures that resources are not wasted in case of no-shows, which gives others the opportunity to use the facilities. Furthermore, it acts as a contract between the guest and Racehall.
Can we hold larger events at Racehall?
Yes, Racehall can create the perfect setting for events from 1 to 1,200 people. Please call for more information by phone: 86 28 01 70.
Can you hold a child's birthday at Racehall and what does it cost?
Yes, you can easily do that. Contact your local Racehall center regarding your wishes and needs and we will find a solution that suits you.
Can we as a group of 5 people book the pitch for 3 hours on a Saturday in 4 months?
Open Events can be booked online up to 14 days in advance. Contact us if you would like to book further into the future.
As a group of 16 people, can we rent 4 go-karts for 1 hour and then take turns driving?
Everything is possible as long as you only pay for a minimum of 12 go-karts. However, due to the size of the courses, we would recommend that you book places for 2 Open Events.
Can you drive Le Mans in the Racehall?
Yes, it is possible. To organize a Le Mans race, however, you must be a minimum of 30 people, as a minimum rental of 15 go-karts for 1½ hours is required.
What can I use a Racehall Driver's License for?
To drive a go-kart at Racehall, you must have an approved ‘Driver’s Licence’. It costs DKK 5 to be registered, and after registration you will receive a personal driving licence, which must be brought with you every time you visit the Racehall. Alternatively, you can buy a new one and be registered again. Note: Persons under the age of 16 arriving unaccompanied by a parent or guardian must still complete a Driver’s License application, which must be accompanied by a parent or guardian’s signature.
Why do you have to fill in an application for a driver's license?
The driving license application is a “certificate” which acts as a disclaimer. That is that Racehall is not liable for personal or property damage that you or third parties may cause in connection with the use of the rented go-karts, as well as damages you may suffer as a result of other drivers or that you may cause to third parties.
NO PANIC, our track and go-karts are top secured. The track is made of huge Flexi-Track material, so IF you were to collide with the track, it gives way, so you don’t stop completely suddenly. The go-kart is also top secured with metal frames, headrest and H-harness.
What should I use the plastic driving license for?
It is your Driver’s License that you must bring with you every time you go out for a drive. If you prefer a digital solution, you can download our Racehall App.
With the app you have your Driver’s License at your fingertips.
You can see previous and current times and follow our Racehall live and much more. Download it now and explore all the possibilities.