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Is it time for a field trip or class event?

Is it time for a field trip or class event?

A class trip or school excursion is always fun!
Especially when it can be combined with learning and collaboration.

Then a day at Racehall Copenhagen or Racehall Aarhus is the obvious choice.

Here you get a day with:
▪︎ Cooperation
▪︎ Speed
▪︎ Concentration
▪︎ Traffic knowledge
▪︎ Good food

Create great shared experiences in a unique environment
At Racehall, safety and go-kart racing go hand in hand. We pay attention to the smallest details that ensure fantastic tracks and great experiences. In fact, racing go-karts sharpens both concentration and senses. A go-kart track is designed to test and strengthen reflexes while racing, so there’s plenty to learn by getting in the kart. All students have the opportunity for academic immersion and work together as a team.

The whole package at Racehall
At Racehall we can offer racing individually or in groups.
We can create races and team building while offering great food from Sallies and Diners’ Lounge.

Racehall Copenhagen
The Copenhagen track is 1250 meters long and 13 meters wide. The track has 22 varying turns and can accommodate 36 go-karts simultaneously.

Racehall Aarhus
Aarhus’ track is 1000 meters long and 13 meters wide. The track has 14 varying turns and can accommodate 34 go-karts simultaneously.

Is your school going on a shake-collection trip with a difference?
Call us to find out more about the possibilities.
Phone: +45 8628 0170