kr. 249,00
Celebrate memorable moments with Racehall’s go-kart statuette incl. bubbles. This elegant 17 cm tall statuette is the ideal prize for smaller competitions, a token of appreciation for exceptional effort, or a unique and fun gift for any go-kart enthusiast.
The statuette features a sleek design with a detailed go-kart on top, making it the perfect symbol of speed and competitive spirit. Despite its compact size, it exudes quality and sophistication, making it a popular choice for both kids and adults.
To complete the experience, the package includes a bottle of Racehall bubbles, adding a festive touch to any celebration. Whether it’s used for a quick toast or as a surprise moment, the bubbles elevate the prize-giving ceremony to something truly special.
This go-kart statuette incl. bubbles is more than just a trophy – it’s a symbol of victory and the effort behind it. Perfect for small events, internal competitions, or as part of larger celebrations, this statuette is a creative and meaningful way to honor participants.
Give a prize that is both unique and memorable, and let this statuette serve as a proud reminder of an outstanding achievement.
Racehall Aarhus A/S
Hasselager Centervej 30
8260 Viby J
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-20
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 28864973
Racehall København A/S
Bondehøjvej 20
2630 Taastrup
Opening hours:
Sunday – friday at 10-22
Saturday at 09-22
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 39930757
Racehall Stockholm AB
Skälbyvägen 5
147 91 Grödinge
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-22
Phone: +46 (8) 551 210 00
Email: [email protected] 559451-4241
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