kr. 999,00
Event time
Track time
Half-day course where we mix theory and driving, and end with medals and burgers on O’Learys.
When you arrive, you or your guardian must register in our system. You can also do this beforehand on our Racehall APP. You can find it completely free in both the Applestore and Googleplay. Mum and dad can also follow you on the APP while you drive.
Once you’re registered, it’s time to greet each other and your Coach before going to the safety briefing.
You will then be given a helmet, helmet cap and gloves. If the weather is very cold, you can also borrow a driving suit. Always remember to have closed shoes on and long hair tied up in an elastic band.
When safety is in place, you get out in the go-kart and are allowed to try out the kart, abilities and the track. Afterwards, you will receive a printout of your start time – you can laugh and cry here! It should probably get better before you get home.
We save your first time so you can see how much you have improved when the day is over.
After that, you “WALK THE LINE” around the field as a team. Thereby you learn together about the ideal line. You look at turns and the track’s safety measures, so that you can safely give it gas. You learn, among other things also about braking points, the long side, mechanics and weight compensation. And then there is plenty of driving time where you can really feel the rush in your stomach!
The team ends in the restaurant, where you review the results of the day, see how much you have improved!
At the end, there is a delicious burger menu and a medal for today’s efforts.
Fresh fruit and spring water are served throughout the day.
Age: 6 – 16 years.
Minimum 120 cm. high.
Racehall Aarhus A/S
Hasselager Centervej 30
8260 Viby J
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-20
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 28864973
Go-kart in:
Aarhus, Aarhus, Silkeborg, Viborg, Randers, Viby, Djursland, North Jutland, East Jutland, Skanderborg
Racehall København A/S
Bondehøjvej 20
2630 Taastrup
Opening hours:
Sunday – friday at 10-22
Saturday at 09-22
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 39930757
Go-kart in:
Copenhagen, Ballerup, Roskilde, Herlev, Køge, Glostrup, Hedehusene, Rødovre, Ishøj, Brøndby
Racehall Stockholm AB
Skälbyvägen 5
147 91 Grödinge
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-22
Phone: +46 (8) 551 210 00
Email: [email protected] 559451-4241
Go-kart in:
Stockholm, Kista, Uppsala, Botkyrka, Södertälje, Upplandsväsby, Täby, Enköping, Huddinge, Eskilstuna