kr. 1.249,00
Create a lasting tradition with Racehall’s travelling trophy, a prize that can be passed from winner to winner in your competition. This travelling trophy is more than just an award; it’s a symbol of honor and achievement, designed to continue its journey among victorious participants.
The travelling trophy is perfect for both large and small events, whether for corporate gatherings, sports events, or friendly competitions. It offers a unique way to create lasting memories and build camaraderie among participants. With its classic and stylish design, the trophy stands as a powerful marker of first place, making every victory extra special.
Order your travelling trophy today and start a tradition where this award becomes a badge of honor that all participants strive to win!
Racehall Aarhus A/S
Hasselager Centervej 30
8260 Viby J
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-20
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 28864973
Racehall København A/S
Bondehøjvej 20
2630 Taastrup
Opening hours:
Sunday – friday at 10-22
Saturday at 09-22
Phone: +45 8628 0170
Email: [email protected]
CVR: 39930757
Racehall Stockholm AB
Skälbyvägen 5
147 91 Grödinge
Opening hours:
Every day at 10-22
Phone: +46 (8) 551 210 00
Email: [email protected] 559451-4241
Angiv hvilke medaljer og/eller merchandise du er interesseret i, og så ringer vi dig op ang. detaljerne.
State which medals and/or merchandise you’re interested in and we’ll call you regarding the details.